Sunday, February 24, 2013


Jeanette Jobson, working artist from Newfoundland, is raising money via Indigogo for a small printing press and equipment for her latest venture.  Please visit her Indigogo site to see what it's all about. 

You know, these small home presses are still quite expensive and if you know Jeanette then you know she is always working towards achieving her artistic goals.  She is truly an inspiration!  And inspiring artists should be supported.  So go on over to her site:

and decide whether you have a few $ to spare to help her meet her goal. 

Donate to her cause and see what she does in 2013!  


Autumn Leaves said...

So lovely of you to help other artists, Rhonda! I'm off to check it out.

Jeanette Jobson said...

Thanks so much for the support Rhonda, much appreciated.

RH Carpenter said...

You get something in return for donating to the cause, Sherry - every little bit will help her get to her goal.

Jeanette, you are most welcome! I hope you make it.